
  • WordPress and Woocommerce development, hosting and support: Manon Barbé
  • Photographs: Castagnina, Manon Barbé
    If you wish to be credited, get in touch 🙂
  • Logo: Mataé Martin-Rossigraphic designer

This Privacy and Cookie Policy establishes the general conditions under which CASTAGNINA treats the personal data that you provide when using the website.

When using the website, whenever you provide us with or we are obliged to access any type of information which, by virtue of its characteristics, enables us to identify you, namely : your first name, surname, e-mail address, billing or delivery address, telephone number, type of device or credit or debit card number, IP address (hereinafter "Personal Data"), whether for browsing purposes, use of our services or functionalities, you will be subject to the Privacy Policy and relating to Cookies, which apply at all times and should be consulted to ensure that you accept them.


Please note that before using any of our services or features, you must read this Confidentiality and Cookie Policy.
Failure to provide certain mandatory information may prevent you from registering as a user or using certain features or services available on
The user (you) hereby warrants that the personal data provided is true and accurate and agrees to communicate any changes or modifications thereto. If you provide us with the personal data of a third party, you will be responsible for informing them and obtaining their consent regarding the transmission of this information for the purposes indicated in the relevant sections of this Privacy Policy and relating to Cookies.
Any loss or damage caused to or any third party as a result of the provision of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information on the registration forms will be the sole responsibility of the user.

1.1 Managing your registration as a user of 

The personal data you provide us with will be used to identify you as a user of the website and will give you access to the various products, services and features that are available to registered users.

1.2 The implementation, observance and fulfilment of the purchase contract relating to the products that you have acquired or any other contract that you have entered into on

The data processing period must be either (i) that provided for by law; or (ii) a period of three years from the end of the commercial relationship with the customer or prospect; or (iii) until the purpose applicable to a specific piece of data ceases to exist. For example, data relating to your orders will be processed for as long as the Data Controller may need to retain it in accordance with applicable laws, and will then be deleted once this legitimate purpose ceases to exist.


If you have subscribed to our newsletter and depending on the choices you have made when creating or consulting your account or during the ordering process (in particular to keep you informed of our latest news and the advantages you can benefit from), you may receive offers and information from CASTAGNINA by e-mail.

You can unsubscribe from this newsletter at any time by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of each newsletter and following the instructions provided in each of our messages.


CASTAGNINA undertakes to respect the confidentiality of your personal data and to guarantee the exercise of your rights.
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition. To do so, simply write to us at :
- using the online form.


The data collected on the website is intended exclusively for CASTAGNINA.
It may be passed on to the subcontracting companies that CASTAGNINA uses for the execution of services and orders, in particular management, execution, processing or after-sales service. In such cases, CASTAGNINA ensures that these companies agree to process the information collected on the website exclusively for the needs of CASTAGNINA and in full compliance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, amended in 2004, in particular by implementing appropriate measures to secure and protect the confidentiality of data.
By accepting this Privacy and Cookie Policy, you expressly authorise us to process and share your personal data with the subcontracting companies that CASTAGNINA uses.


On, we use cookies, which are small files containing information about your browsing, for the sole purpose of facilitating it. Please read our Cookie Information to find out more about the cookies we use, their purpose and other important information.
Cookies are necessary to make browsing easier and more enjoyable. They do not cause any damage to your computer.
Although this policy uses the general term "Cookies" as the main method of storing information used on, the browser's "local storage" area is also used for the same purposes as Cookies. All the information contained in this section also applies to this "local storage" area.
Cookies are an essential part of the way our website functions. The main purpose of our cookies is to optimise your browsing experience. For example, they enable us to remember your preferences (language, country, etc.) during browsing and when you access the site later.
 The data collected by means of Cookies enables us to improve our site, by estimating numbers and patterns of use, adapting the site to the interests of each user, speeding up searches, etc.
We may occasionally, with your prior consent, use cookies, tags or similar devices to obtain information that enables us to show you, either from or from third party websites or by any other means, targeted advertisements based on your browsing habits.
The cookies we use do not store any sensitive personal information, such as your address, password, credit or debit card details, etc.
The information stored in the Cookies from is used exclusively by our services, with the exception of so-called "third party cookies", which are used and managed by external entities in order to provide us with the services we have requested from them with the aim of improving our services and the user's browsing experience.
If you do not wish to use cookies, you must deactivate the use of cookies in your browser and then delete any stored cookies associated with
 You can perform this operation at any time.
You can also restrict, block or delete cookies from by modifying the configuration of your browser. Cookies are usually configured in the "Preferences" or "Tools" menus of browsers. For further information on how to configure cookies, please consult the "Help" menu of your browser.

The website uses several types of cookies

Browser cookies

When you first access the site, these cookies enable it to function correctly and help you to view the content on your device, recognising your language and the country market from which you have chosen to connect. If you are a registered user, they will enable you to be recognised and to access the services offered in the dedicated areas. Browser cookies are technical cookies that are necessary for the site to function properly.

Functional cookies

These cookies enable us, at your express request, to recognise you the next time you log on so that you do not have to enter your login details each time you visit.
If you have added items to your shopping basket and have closed the session without completing the purchase and without deleting them, these cookies allow you to resume shopping the next time you visit the site (for a limited time) and to find the items you have selected.
Functional cookies are not essential to the operation of the site, but they do improve the quality and experience of browsing.

Analytical cookies

These cookies are used to collect data in an anonymous and aggregated form. They are used to produce statistical analyses of the browsing habits of users of our site. We process the results of these analyses anonymously and exclusively for statistical purposes.

Marketing and direct targeting cookies and third-party cookies

The purpose of these cookies is to create profiles of the user in order to send commercial messages corresponding to the preferences expressed during the visit or to improve the browsing experience: while you are browsing our site, these cookies enable us to present you with products likely to be of interest to you or similar to those you have viewed. Third-party cookies are those sent to you by trusted third-party companies. These cookies enable us to present you with our commercial offer on other affiliated websites (advertising retargeting). With regard to third-party cookies, we do not control the information provided by the cookie nor do we have access to such data. This information is fully controlled by the third party companies in accordance with the details provided in their policies.

Social network cookies

These cookies are necessary to enable your social network account to interact with our site. They are useful, for example, to enable you to express your opinion and share it with your friends on social networks. Social network cookies are not necessary for browsing.